Sunday, March 25, 2007

Fast Food Nation (Richard Linklater, 2006)

Fast Food Nation (Richard Linklater, 2006)
Rating: 6.4

Maybe I'm just a pessimist, but I found the rancher's bleak outlook of the growth machine taking over coupled with Bruce Willis' monologue summarized with "We all have to eat a little shit from time to time" more based in reality than Ethan Hawk's preachy "keep hope alive...unity will lead to a change for the better" speech. It's great to believe in something, but is America really that naive to the evils of capitalism and the less than satisfactory sanitary and working conditions in the food industry? The narrative itself was rather weak, which is somewhat excusable since it was fabricated and adapted based on the nonfiction book, but this brings into question why the film was even made. I respect the unconventional nonfiction into fiction adaptation attempt, but perhaps a documentary approach would have been the best option here. The inevitable killing floor scene and conclusion of the film were at least pretty good. The ironically disgusting thing is this film made me really hungry.

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