Sunday, March 05, 2006

Thumbsucker (Mike Mills, 2005)

Thumbsucker (Mike Mills, 2005)
Rating: 4.6

Thumbsucker was like watching a Todd Solondz movie without any sort of satire or agenda. I wanted to like it, but the film tried to take itself too seriously. It seemed as if the awkwardly quiet dialogue was making a desperate attempt at being more meaningful than it actually was. Vince Vaughn's small part was good for a few laughs, while Keanu Reeves role as a philosophical hippy orthodontist was almost a mockery his Bill and Ted style acting reputation whether the filmmakers were aware of this or not. I felt like all of the characters in this film were vastly underdeveloped and in the end it was just another typical uninspired teen angst story lacking significance.

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