La Science des rêves (Michel Gondry, 2006)
Rating: 9.5
"I don't want to be spaghetti."
I found The Science of Sleep to achieve everything theorist's like Munsterberg and Arnheim want film to achieve. They differ from the realists in that they say film is art because of it's detachment from the real world and bring our fantasies to life. I found this to be one of the most aesthetically pleasing and surreal films I've seen. The narrative is messy, I agree, but we are meant to be seeing things through the eyes of a possible schizophrenic man who confuses his dreams and reality and I think Gondry was well aware of what he was doing. In the end the inability for life to live up to the expectations of the imagination is a heartbreaking reality that we can all relate to. The script truly is secondary and the visual style primary, but that is no reason to write it off. Abstract and experimental films as well as visual spectacles deserve to be championed just as narrative fiction films do, and The Science of Sleep gives us an enjoyable hybrid.